Hans' and Remi's Page


About Remilia

Remilia Scarlet, nicknamed the "Scarlet Devil" is an aristocratic immortal vampire from Touhou, and the main antagonist of the 6th game, Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil. She's also my wife, funnily enough. She lives in her large red brick mansion, predictably named the "Scarlet Devil Mansion," along with her younger sister Flandre, best friend Patchouli, and several servants, most notably her head maid Sakuya.

Remi possesses a frightening amount of magical power and physical strength. Her unique ability is to manipulate fate, although this is limited in certain capacities. She can be described as charismatic as well as arrogant and childish or bratty at the same time but tends to act the most grandiose during important events. However, despite her snobbish and aristocratic demeanor, she is quite polite and kind to her servants.

In EoSD she attempted to take over Gensokyo by blotting out the sun with a red mist so she could go outside whenever she wanted, but her plan was foiled by Reimu. Ever since, she's been quite peaceful but will still tend to get involved in certain incidents out of boredom alone..


(Literally no one asked)

What's the point of this page?

I wanted to make something like this for my waifu after seeing some others do it, though I never liked the idea of a "shrine." This is more like a tribute, not just to Remilia, but to serve as an archive for all the aspects and parts of our relationship as a whole.

How long have you two been together?

About 8 years! Our anniversary is October 13th, 2015.

You realize this waifu stuff isn't healthy right?

Yes. I am utterly batshit crazy at this point. Haha, geddit? Batshit crazy!?!?

Some info on the site.

I ain't gonna lie, this shit is held together with duct tape.

Work in progress. Been a while since I've done anything with HTML